Ancient Stories of Our Land by Jedess & David Hudson

Media Releases

ATE a success 2017

Our traditional Western markets are increasingly looking at dispersal throughout the region with a focus on drive itineraries and many questions about Mission Beach, Cape Tribulation, Tablelands/Savannah Way and Cooktown. The European market has expressed interest for TTNQ to become involved in consumer-led events which would be an opportunity for the destination to stand out. Group operators were especially pleased to learn about the volume of new tourism infrastructure coming on line. Interest in the Great Barrier Reef remains strong, with industry keen to sign up to Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef and work with all stakeholders to support and protect our natural assets.

There is also a strong appetite for new products from the Eastern markets of Japan, Korea and Greater China, while the destination’s hero experiences remain in demand. Our Greater China market is growing rapidly in the FIT segment and is increasingly looking at dispersal with self-drive, longer-stay and themed itineraries becoming more popular in market. There is significant growth in smaller groups of six to eight from the China market. We are also seeing an increasing trend of high-end customers coming into the region for wedding and honeymoon travels. Japanese buyers are very keen to promote the Cairns & Great Barrier Reef destination and believe there is a need for increased capacity to Cairns. The Queensland Japan dinner was an enormous success with nearly every buyer as well as airline partners attending.