
Team Qld arrives in China

Small, tailor-made groups are growing from the Chinese market along with special interest travel in areas like cruising, education, incentives and self-drive, according to feedback from the travel industry in China. Team Queensland was in China last week with TTNQ’s General Manager of Marketing Lani Strathearn and China Sales and Marketing Manager Harriet Ganfield plus 10 members.

The Queensland is Calling component consisted of 70 one-on-one appointments in Shanghai and Guangzhou and auditorium training with more than 200 Aussie Specialists. More individual agent training was held in Chengdu and Shenzhen as well as specialist auditorium training with more than 250 retail agents and appreciation dinners in both cities.

The trade was happy with the Chinese New Year performance given that the market had only been operating for six months in Australia, saying they were back to between 30 and 40% of 2019 levels. They believe the wide variety of products and experiences in Tropical North Queensland catered well to the Chinese market’s needs. However, said the lack of direct aviation connectivity to Cairns was a hindrance.

[Team Qld arrives in China – TTNQ Fortnightly Pulse  – 3 April 2024]