Ancient Stories of Our Land by Jedess & David Hudson


Get involved

Tropical North Queensland’s Instagram page is fast approaching 200K followers! We want to showcase the amazing landscapes and experiences in the region with a fun reel like this one and we need your help to do it.

To get involved, film a friend or colleague doing the dance at your chosen location or experience, walking out of frame at the end. Don’t forget to wear your uniform or costume and bring your animal friends along too.

Send your video to [email protected] and keep an eye on @tropicalnorthqueensland for the final post. The sooner you can send us your video, the better as we will be posting when we hit the milestone.

Tips & tricks:

  1. Make sure the you’re positioned in the middle of the frame with a picturesque background
  2. Try to hold the camera or phone as still as possible (or use a stand/gimbal)
  3. The videographer should walk with the dancer to keep them in the centre of the frame
  4. Play music while you dance so you can stay on beat
  5. Have fun!


[Get involved – TTNQ Fortnightly Pulse  – 2 June 2021]