Ancient Stories of Our Land by Jedess & David Hudson

Media Releases

Get your business China ready

Tourism Tropical North Queensland Chief Executive Officer Pip Close said the Becoming China Ready workshop would explore in-depth information about the Chinese tourism market as part of the TNQ Tourism Small Business Development Program.

“The Australian Tourism Export Council has designed this workshop to cover areas such as the cultural characteristics and needs of Chinese travellers, the latest trends from the Chinese market, tips on visiting China on sales missions, key contacts in the Chinese distribution channel and overall advice for success in this market,” she said.

“The facilitator is Chinese-born Jessica Xue, the International Sales & Marketing Director of Sovereign Hill for the Gaibo International Group.

“She is a leading tourism executive whose creativity and understanding of the Chinese tourism industry and culture has resulted in many successful promotional campaigns in the Chinese market.”

The workshop will be held at TTNQ, Level 2, 51 Esplanade, Cairns from 9am-12noon on Friday August 25. Entry is $20 per person.

The TNQ Tourism Small Business Development Program is for TTNQ member and non-member businesses that receive a significant portion of revenue from tourism and have less than 20 full-time equivalent employees.

For more information on the workshop or to book your spot, go to and click on Resources and then Small Business.


For more information contact:
Kelsey Burge
Phone: 07 4015 1206 | Email: [email protected]