Tourism Tropical North Queensland Chief Executive Officer Pip Close said it could be difficult for a tourism business to determine which awards applied to staff, especially as there could be more than one award to use.
“Phoebe Kitto from HR Dynamics will facilitate this workshop drawing on her 15 years of experience in tailored human resource and industrial relations assistance,” she said.
“The team at HR Dynamics focus on helping businesses achieve maximum productivity by building business excellence in staffing relationships and legislation compliance.”
The Awards and Wages Workshop will be held on Friday March 23 at TTNQ, Level 2, 51 Esplanade, Cairns from 10am-12pm. Entry is $20 per person and can be booked online.
The TNQ Tourism Small Business Development Program is for TTNQ member and non-member businesses that receive a significant portion of revenue from tourism and have less than 20 full-time equivalent employees.
For more information on the workshop or to book your spot, click here.
For more information contact:
Kelsey Andersen
Email: [email protected]