How to work with influencers and ensure your business benefits from the interaction will be covered in the Managing Your Brand Online: Social & Community workshop.
The workshop will be held as part of the TNQ Tourism Small Business Development program at Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) on Wednesday, June 21 at 11am – 1pm.
The presenters are Amy Mail from TTNQ’s Digital Team and Nikki Kanzlemar from Socialeyes Media in Port Douglas.
Other topics covered by the workshop include leveraging user generated content on FaceBook and Instagram, utilising your TripAdvisor account to turn unhappy campers into advocates and how to find your digital voice to ensure all your online interactions are consistent with your business branding.
Workshop attendees are eligible to receive up to four hours of one-on-one mentoring with Nikki from Socialeyes Media to work on your business’ social media presence.
You can start from scratch and create your accounts with Nikki’s assistance or optimise an existing account to boost your online presence. Normally $110 per hour, workshop attendees can book for the reduced rate of $50 per hour.
The program is supported by the Australian Small Business Advisory Services – Northern Australia Tourism Initiative, an Australian Government initiative. It is for TTNQ member and non-member businesses (or start-ups) that receive a significant portion of revenue from tourism and have fewer than 20 full-time equivalent employees. Businesses and business intenders can participate in as many activities as they would like.
For more information on the workshop or to book your spot at $20pp, click here.
For more information contact:
Kelsey Burge
T: 07 4015 1206 | E: [email protected]