Event Details
Location: River of Gold Motel, Cnr Hope & Walker Streets, Cooktown
Time: 8.30am-12noon
Join our Trade Ready Training Program for tourism operators and industry stakeholders proudly supported by the Queensland Government, Queensland Tourism Industry Council and Tourism Tropical North Queensland.
Half Day Workshop – 18th February
This workshop will assist existing and prospective tourism operators and stakeholders in the core elements of operating and distributing a tourism product. Topics include:
• Tourism 101 – What is it, how does it work, who is involved?
• Business planning and marketing strategy
• Product evaluation, packaging, pricing and distribution structures
• Understand the key principles and requirements of distribution (to attract NEW customers)
• Sales skills for use in the travel trade and directly with consumers
Individual Business Mentoring – 18th & 19th February
Operators who attend the half-day workshop are eligible for an intensive two-hour session to increase their knowledge, skills and provide practical tools.
Brock Parker, Parker Travel Collection
Parker Travel Collection offers independent sales and marketing services of tourism products to the United Kingdom, North America and Australian markets.
Monday 18 February 2019
– Half Day Workshop 8.30am-12noon
– Mentoring Sessions 12.30pm-4.30pm
Tuesday 19 February 2019
– Mentoring Sessions 9am-4pm
Workshop: $20 per person
Mentoring $50 per business