Top Line Numbers
Share of overnight expenditure: 15%
Forecasted Growth 2020: **To be revised
Visitors: 113,000 | +2%
Visitor Nights: 572,000 | -9%
Expenditure: $149M | +5% -
75% of visitors on trade52% of total visitors are on package tours.11% of total visitors are student groups -
Connections via:- SilkAir/Singapore Airlines
- Domestic connections
Other Insights
The largest segment of passport holders are 20-year-olds followed by 30-year-olds.
Increasing destination awareness including distance and our resort climate, plus amplifying our stories and dream images.
Target Audience
- Adult couples
- Singles
- Female office workers earning 50K+
- High Value Travelers
- “Let’s Grab Our Thongs “promotion
- Sharing the stories through Cairns & GBR 101 Stories
- Digital activities – drive engagement and discovery on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- TTNQ Japanese Ambassador program
Working with us
- Share content, videos and images
- Story writing
- Marine Diving Fair
- Queensland On Tour Japan & TTNQ Pre-seminars
- Press Tour
- TTNQ seminars and workshops