Share your happy moments


Creating engaging content is important for tourism business to continue engaging with their audience while they are closed. TTNQ is posting dreaming content to encourage the public to think about the holiday they will take when they can travel again.

We are expanding our channels with a new Twitter account to be introduced next week for the Japanese market. The Japanese Facebook page is popular with 17,800 followers and 13-21% engagements and we are looking to boost the number of Instagram followers with a boost in posts from next week.

TEQ’s German Facebook page has been sharing virtual road trips including six drives throughout the Cairns & Great Barrier Reef region. TTNQ has created a drive video which has been sent to TEQ Europe and UK to share with their markets.

If your business does not have Weibo and WeChat accounts please send content that will appeal to the China market to Harriet Ganfield.

Remember to tag us when you post

Instagram: @tropicalnorthqueensland
Twitter: @cairnsGBR

[TTNQ Fortnightly Pulse article – 1 April 2020]
