
Grant Writing Fundamentals Workshop

23 November 2018

Event Details

Time: 8am-10am

Location: Cairns City Library

There is a great range of grants available for businesses and not-for-profits to undertake projects and activities, each has a particular focus and set of eligibility criteria. So how do you know which one is right for you and your project?

This workshop will cover the top tips, dos and don’ts of applying for grants.

Gain insight into understanding the objective of the grant, determining if your project fits and addressing merit criteria.

Drawing on knowledge gained from assessing grants, Kay will provide information on general best practice grant writing, how to make sure your application stands out.

The workshop will be delivered by Kay Strong from AusInsdustry.

Kay Strong – AusIndustry Regional Manager Northern Queensland

Kay is the Regional Manager in Northern Queensland for AusIndustry. 

Kay has worked in a variety of business development roles at Federal, State and Local government levels. As Regional Manager Kay works with businesses to facilitate the uptake of programs delivered by AusIndustry and stakeholder agencies. Prior to working for government Kay was a partner in a software development and IT support company for six years.

AusIndustry is a specialist program delivery division within the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. The Northern Qld office, based in Townsville, covers a region stretching from Sarina in the south, west to the NT border and north to Thursday Island.