Media Releases

Easter challenge to showcase Tropical North Queensland

Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) is challenging the community to use household items to recreate their favourite Tropical North Queensland activity as a stop motion, video, collage or photo while they are staying in at home over the Easter break.

TTNQ Chief Executive Officer Mark Olsen said stop motion videos were growing in popularity on social media, but a collage or photo using household items could be just as popular and would also help create new conversations on the destination’s social media channels.

“Instead of hiking Walshs Pyramid at Gordonvale this weekend my sons George and Ted will be working on a stop motion video recreating the sweat and joy of reaching the summit in our lounge room,” he said.

“TTNQ’s digital team members are separated by hundreds of kilometres but have put together a teaser scene of the iconic woven fish sculptures in the Cairns Lagoon to encourage locals to join in with a collage or video.

“Remember to #TNQEasterChallenge so we can share the best posts and amplify your favourite Tropical North Queensland activity to our more than 345,000 followers on Facebook and Instagram.

“This weekend is not the time to be leaving your home as we must stop the spread of COVID-19 to protect our loved ones and to get our economy functioning again.

“I urge everyone to follow the rules and have some fun at home dreaming of spending quality time in Tropical North’s Queensland’s beautiful backyard when it is safe again.”

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