The resilience of Tropical North Queensland after record flooding in December has inspired corporations planning incentive events for international destinations this year to move their business to Cairns.
Tourism Tropical North Queensland General Manager of Partnerships and Events Tara Bennett said Cairns had been identified by meeting planners as a destination aligned to the corporate values of companies wanting to support regions after a natural disaster.
“The speed that our destination gets back to business has impressed them and that resilience has helped Cairns to stand out against our competitors,” she said.
“Tropical North Queensland’s lush green tropical climate within a short domestic flight from all capital cities is enticing for southern corporations who realise an Australian destination is cost-effective and offers sustainability advantages.
“What is really exciting for our destination is that the corporations are prepared to travel at the beginning of the year which is traditionally quiet for domestic visitation.”
MCI Managing Director of Corporate Nick Mills said a number of the global business events management company’s Australian ASX corporation clients were redirecting their interest back to Australia with Tropical North Queensland the destination of choice.
“They were looking to go offshore with their reward and recognition travel programs, however, the resilience demonstrated by the Tropical North Queensland region is truly inspiring and they want to support the region to assist with the viability of the tourism industry for the year ahead,” he said.
“Beyond supporting the local community and businesses, it has been the messages of resilience, agility and positivity that are being demonstrated from the region during this challenging time that many of our corporate clients are connecting within their own organisations.
“The destination and its community are an inspiration, and our business events clients are wanting to travel to the region and experience this passion for themselves.
“It is really allowing an opportunity for our business events clients to extract their teams from an already hectic first quarter and provide an oasis that will allow them to rejuvenate and recharge.
“Tropical North Queensland creates a perfect backdrop for team collaboration, strategising business priorities and providing the necessary team alignment for a busy year ahead.”
Ms Bennett said the destination had a proven track record of hosting large events such as Queensland Parliament in 2023 and was looking forward to hosting Tourism Australia’s incentive showcase, Australia Next, highlighting the region’s business events capabilities to buyers from around the world in September.
“Our professional industry is held in high esteem by meeting planners thanks to the success of the events we host and the natural beauty of a destination where two World Heritage areas meet,” she said.