
Social Media 1 – Cairns

7 March 2019

Event Details

Location: TTNQ Boardroom, Level 2, 51 The Esplanade, Cairns

Time: 2pm-4pm

Ensure your business is represented on Facebook and Instagram in the right way. 
– Make the algorithms work for you, account navigation & insights
– Facebook rules (yes they have them)
– Maximise user-generated content and increase engagement
– Hashtags, handles and captions, oh my!

Facilitator, Nikki Kanzlemar, Socialeyes Media

Nikki is the director of Socialeyes Media, a premium social media marketing agency helping businesses with management, coaching and developing effective social media marketing strategies.

For tourism businesses or intenders with fewer than 20 full time employees. TTNQ members and non-members welcome.